Secret Traffic Hack: Unlock Forbidden Free Traffic in ANY Niche! (NEW)

Introduction: Secret Traffic Hack

There are two big challenges we see people face when trying to make money online.

  1. Confusion.
  2. Lack of the Digital Gold

Let’s blow them both out of the park for you right now.

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#1. Confusion

People honestly just don’t know what to do. They are overwhelmed and their head is spinning with the method after method.

It’s not hard to lose focus on the simplicity of how making money online works.

The way is simple.

Step 1: Have something to sell.
Step 2: Get people to see it. (traffic / digital gold)

You can make as much money in the world as you ever wanted if you successfully get those two things right.

You simply need something to sell.
WHAT it is isn’t nearly as important.

You might have your own products or services, or maybe you cater to offline. Maybe you want to sell other people’s products as an affiliate or CPA marketer.

Maybe you have a niche ecom shop and you want to sell physical drop ship items.

It doesn’t matter without step #2, traffic.

Once you have something to sell you want to get people to see it.

You need to get your message in front of people who will be interested. For some people, this is understood already but the point needs to be made.

But not just once.

No, you want to be able to send a message to those customers any time you’d like.

Imagine… having a sea of online people where, with the push of the button, any time day or night that you’d like, send a message to that sea of people, that contains a direct opportunity for them to spend money and you make it.

What kind of power would that be?

How would that change things for you and your family, to write a message and hit send and thousands of people see it to click and read and smile and buy?

That is exactly why the people who make thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars online still unanimously agree that the most powerful & profitable form of marketing online is email marketing.

Putting your email in the inbox of thousands of subscribers is the easiest way to make sales online and on-demand.

But there are a few hurdles.

A – You don’t potentially have a list.

B – You’re broke, technically illiterate, and autoresponders scare you.

In fact, email lists were so popular, that one internet behemoth took advantage of it to create a now hidden system that leverages email lists in a way nobody is talking about or using.

We found a way to not only tap into hundreds of thousands of niche email lists, for free, that you can email with your stuff, for free…

…But also a way to build your own email list, without an autoresponder that you can mail near-unlimited subscribers every single day that can inbox better than any major autoresponder on the market could ever dream of, for free.

The creator of this Beast?

None other than the king of the internet, Google.

Few people know much about a project Google has in a place called Google Groups. Even if you know of it you don’t understand what is possible. We are going to break it down.

It’s a deceiving little name.

Any unwitting passerby would mistake it for some poor remnants lingering from Google+ long lost dead & forgotten.

However, Google Groups are a beast unlike none other and to you and me, they are extremely powerful.

There are 3 types of Google Groups. We will only be focusing on one type, The Email Group.

A Google Email Group is essentially an email list that is (most commonly) used to allow a group of people to effectively communicate with each other as a group.

Everyone in the group is subscribed to the list and depending on the permissions set, everyone can “post” (sending an email) to the group and everyone can reply to those posts.

Those posts are essentially emails and are sent out as emails, to the entire group!

Google keeps it all organized as well as provides a group web interface to make it much more manageable for group admins (us) and giving members more viewing options beyond just email.


This is one of our groups we will use as an example. We have multiple across multiple niches (they are actually quite fun).

All of the emails/posts are archived as well on the group’s page to provide a forum feel.

Members can post & respond to threads there or via email.

Now here is the beauty.

We have been testing in multiple accounts and these emails INBOX every time.

We haven’t had any emails go to spam on any of our tests. That in and of itself is crazy.

Remember we never added these people to our list. We just access the list that is already there for us ready to email!

In fact, we sent an email out straight asking “our” subscribers…


They’ve confirmed, yes it goes to inbox for them too.

So first, we are going to cover building your own group/list and getting subscribers.

Then we are going to cover tapping into OTHER Google Groups (there are thousands) that you can post in 🙂

Creating Your Own Google Group

First, we recommend that you create a new Gmail account strictly for managing your groups.

Now, each group will have its own email address however when you post to the group it will send the email from YOUR Gmail address that we are suggesting you create here.


Here’s a screenshot of an email I sent to my Google Group.

As you can see, the email comes directly from my personal Gmail address and out to the group email address which basically forwards the email to all members of the group.

(btw, no need to try and email that address above, I have permissions set so I’m the only one that can mail it)

So, create a Gmail address that makes sense. Your name if you want your name to be known, or branded to the group name. The choice is yours.

I just used my real name.

Next head over to Click the red “Create Group” Button…

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Let’s set up our group…

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  • Group name: Pick a good name. Thesaurus is your friend. You actually can change this later.
  • Group email address: Generally the same as the name but you can change it if you want.
  • Group description: Be descriptive.
  • Primary Language: Select your language.
  • Group Type: Email (important!)
  • Basic Permissions:
    – Group visibility: Anyone on the Web
    – View Topics: All members of the group
    – Post: Owners & Managers (important! otherwise, all members can mail your list)
    – Join Group: Anyone on Web Once done, click CREATE.

Now we are taken back to the Group’s home page. We need a welcome message. Click “Add Welcome Message.”


In your welcome message get straight to the point, what is this group about and what to expect.


Run over to and create a free logo, Canva makes it point + click easy. Remember there is NO money out of your pocket for this method!


Add that logo to your welcome message and walla, you have a nice-looking group page.


Now we want to hop over to “Manage Group” and tweak a few settings.


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1. Go to Settings > Email Options

2. Add a subject prefix, this will be added to the subject line of every email sent and will help members recognize it’s coming from the group. (this is optional but recommended for more opens).

3. Change Post replies to “To the author of the message only” so that you’re the only one who sees the replies (or whoever you let post).

Then go to Permissions > Posting Permissions. Be sure to match the settings in the screenshot below.



Permissions > Moderation Permissions…
Permissions > Access Permissions…


Feel free to go through the remainder of the settings but those are all the important ones. Now you have a group-turned email machine. Let’s go add a member!

Google allows you 3 ways to add members.

#1. Direct Add (USE WITH CAUTION!)


We were flat out shocked to learn that Google allows you to simply add in a string of email addresses and auto-add them to the group.

While they make this possible we are going to recommend that you of course play it safe with this one. Make sure you have permission to add people before you go willy nilly throwing handfuls of random addresses in there at a time, that could get you banned.

There is ONE reason we do recommend using this feature, and that is to add YOURSELF as a member.

Add one of your email addresses or an email that you check often so you can see how the emails come through, etc.

Do that now, add yourself as a member using a separate email address.

Now let’s go to the next method.

#2 – Invite Members


If you want to manually add subscribers, this is the way we recommend you do it. This will allow you to drop lists of people to invite and if they want to join they just hit an accept button in the invitation email.

Think of it this way also. If you already have an email list this is a second way to duplicate your list. They may unsubscribe from your main list but may stay subscribed to this “new” list source. Same emails but different sources.

#3 – Join Button

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If you send people directly to your group URL and they are not yet a member they will see a Join Group button.

We also made a note that if you add /join to the end of your group URL, a “join” dialogue box will pop up they can join with one click.

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To further help us get signups and boost our conversion rate of people joining/subscribing to our group/list… We decided to make a simple landing page.

This is completely optional but gives you a few advantages.

  1. We are using another FREE power tool from Google called Google Sites.
  2. It allows you to convince people to join instead of just sending them to a blank ugly google join page.

Google Sites ( is a free website builder. It is so easy to use and is overlooked.

Here’s the actual page we built in Google Sites: Now, if you wanted you could also connect a real custom domain like but honestly, the subscribers don’t care.

So here is our page for this example…


Very simple, nothing fancy minutes to make and it took about 15min. I also took the liberty of recording a 5:20 min video of me literally just reading the page.

The button at the bottom links straight to our group page.

You can make your own using Google Sites in about 15-20 minutes even if you never built a webpage in your life.

It is drag & drop easy.


The point of a landing page like this is to incentivize them with benefits and reasons to join the group/your list.

With the landing page above, we saw a 54% conversion rate from people who visited our landing page that joined and converted into subscribers.

Feel free to use our page for inspiration, please do not copy it exactly.

Create A New Post

Now that we have a group set up, let’s go ahead and make a post/email and send it out.

The emails are also archived on the Group’s main page, so any new members coming to the group will also see them.

For this first one, we recommend Introducing value by giving a little “How-To” in your niche.

You can also feel free to briefly introduce yourself. The keyword being briefly. Focus on valuable content.

Need inspiration? Go to the FB & Social pages of the brands & influencers in your industry. Look at all the articles & how-tos etc. There is literally endless content right in front of you, you just retype it in your own words (or record in a video or whatever you want).

Head back to your Group’s Home Page. Click “New Topic”


Writing this message is just like writing an email (because it is an email).

Here’s what we wrote for Outdoor Survival Club:


SUBJECT: Welcome Inside the Outdoor Survival Club


We are a passionate community of outdoor wilderness & wildlife enthusiasts who take preparing, living and surviving seriously.

Be sure to click here and join the Facebook group. It’s where all the group discussion happens. Access is included with your membership.

50+ Wilderness Survival Tips
We wanted to get you started with a video on YouTube that goes over 50+ wilderness survival tips.

You’ll love his style.

Watch It on YouTube Here >>

We Want Your Content!

Are you an avid survivalist who loves teaching others through digital content? We are now accepting guest posts, videos, articles & more.

Your content may be featured by us with a link back to your site!

Just reply to this email with links to documents, articles, videos or any content you may want to submit along with information on who to credit.

Look forward to more updates, tips, guides, gear and more coming soon in your inbox. If you have any questions you can reply directly to this email and have a real person to assist you.

Thanks again for joining us!
Jeremy Kennedy

Founder of Outdoor Survival Club

Simple as that, nothing crazy.

Notice we took time to mention another one of our social channels (FB group in this case).

We’re not selling them anything, just offering them to connect in another media. The key here is we are going after multiple communication channels. We/You want people on your email list, your google groups list, your Youtube, Your Facebook group, etc. Be wherever you can be.

The more places you can get your customers to connect, the more you’ll be able to reach them.

Also notice we gave them some real value. We gave them a link to a really good YouTube video with 50+ Survival Tips.

Now, we didn’t make that video. We don’t have a clue who made it, don’t really care. It’s a good video period and subscribers will associate that good value with your brand.

We also gave them a way to contact us and provided a little blurb on what to expect in the future so they open our emails.

Once you are happy with the message, click “Post”

Now you should see it on your group’s home page, also you should have received an email with that message, check to see if it hit your inbox.


I can see right off in the subject line, I forgot the ending bracket [Outdoor Survival Club] so it’s a good thing I tested and since no one else is in the group we can delete it and post it again.

Welcome To Your New Cash Machine

So now you are all set up and ready to take subscribers and start mailing.

Remember, what you now have is a literal cash machine. Once you get subscribers, you’ll be able to push send and make money (without being all salesy and your subscribers will love it)

At this point, we need to cover 2 things.

  1. How to write emails that make money.
  2. How to get subscribers.

#1. How to write emails that make money.

Writing money-generating emails is simple actually. While there is an art, anyone can do it successfully.

Humans in general want 3 things from your email.

A – They want to learn something.
B – They want to be entertained.
C – They want something to help them further.

A. First and foremost your emails should teach them one small nugget or provide them with a single piece of value, even if tiny and only a paragraph or two long or point them to something that will.

B. People LOVE stories. I mean really love them. They buy directly from stories. Stories activate emotion and humans buy on emotion. Always try to fit a mini-story, yours or someone else’s, into an email and all marketing copy. Even if it is two sentences long but it anchors to a story, you will see better results. If you can make them laugh even better (don’t overdo it). A chuckle will do.

C. Subscribers totally expect to be offered and recommended products and services in their niche but what they expect from you is to only see you recommend the best products and services. That does NOT mean the cheapest either. A price is just a number. Find the best PRODUCTS to recommend not the best prices. People will always buy great products.

So what you want to do is go out and find affiliate products, or ecom, or your own and determine the problem that product solves.

Then in your email, you want to write a few paragraphs about this problem and another potential way to solve it or the manual/hard way.

They still get the value.

But then you say something like…

“…or you can go the easy route and use this, Click here”

“…did you like this email? You’ll really enjoy this, Click here”

“…do you want to learn more about how to do this? Click here”

“…would you like a tool that completely solves this problem for you? Click here.”

“…and while that’s great, here’s an even better way to do it, Click here.”

Honestly, it is that simple.

No need to overcomplicate it with this long-drawn-out sales pitch of the product you are promoting.

The “sales page” is what does the selling. The only job of your email is to get people to CLICK the link in it, that is all.

The call-to-actions above tease and leave a little curiosity and they know it is directly related to what they just learned. They get the click.

Where to find products to sell?

  • ClickBank (Digital products, affiliate, all niches)
  • WarriorPlus (Digital products, affiliate, internet marketing niches)
  • JVZoo (Digital products, affiliate, internet marketing niches)
  • Amazon Associates Program (physical ecom affiliate, all niches)
  • (physical ecom affiliate, all niches)
  • OfferVault (CPA affiliate offers, get paid for email/zip submits and actions.
  • (Free Private Label Rights products in all niches you can legally rebrand and sell as your own)
  • Google: “Niche Affiliate Program” (find tons of offers to promote in your niche)
  • AliExpress (dropship physical ecom products all niches)
  • TeeSpring (print-on-demand products… Make custom t-shirts, mugs, housewares and more in your niche to sell to your subscribers.
  • What Are Others Promoting? (You can too.)

#2. How To Get Subscribers

A lot of people really let themselves get tripped up over “traffic” and how to get in front of people.

With the internet, getting traffic is one of the easiest things to do. There’s no secret. No magic trick.

It is a simple as “put your message in front of people interested in your topic.”

Where is your audience?
Where do they hang out online?
Which social platform are they most prominent on?

The answer to those questions will be different for every niche but the same rules apply.

Provide a piece of value, make a call to action.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to run a paid Ad on Facebook, or YouTube, or Reddit, or anywhere.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to go for free traffic from those platforms or others.

Everyone seems to get caught up in shiny methods and complicated strategies.

Every platform offers its own features and certainly one could talk till they are blue in the face about all the different setups, funnels, strategies and so forth you could use just to get some eyeballs.

But you’ll notice the guys who kick the most ass remember to keep it super simple.

“Hey here’s how to XYZ Blah blah blah
Blah blah blah
Like that? CLick here for more”

“Here’s a quick tip….go here to learn another”
The more direct you are with your messaging, the better:

“Need blah blah blah? Click here to get it”

“3 Ways to get free traffic 1 2 3…
Like that and want to try paid traffic? Check out our paid traffic course here”

“How lose 10 lbs in 30 days with 3 simple workouts… like that? Get the companion diet plan here.”

Let’s notice a couple of things about the above “Ads”. When I say Ad, I mean both free and paid. A regular post on your Facebook wall is still an advertisement if it is promoting something.

You could apply all of those above to any platform.

Any of those Ads could be a video, plain text, an image, an animated gif, a Facebook group post, A tweet, A Pin, a TikTok… a whatever you want.

The format, delivery & platform isn’t nearly as important.

It’s the messaging itself that matters and when you understand that it is no longer about platforms to advertise on and strategies for those platforms, but rather the focus is on creating the message and then taking that message around to ALL platforms that you wish to pursue.

We’ll take an example…

We wanted to get subscribers into our group but we didn’t want to pay for them. Simple enough, here’s what we did.

We made a simple FB post and shared it around in groups.

Simple & straight to the point.

Giving free value with a simple call to action. In this case, the value is inside the free group they must join to get it.

Something else we could have done instead would be to post the actual case study itself and offer a call-to-action to join the group for more.

In this case, we wanted to peak curiosity to get them to our landing page (We reviewed earlier in this report). The landing page further persuaded them with more reasons to join.

This combo saw a 47% conversion rate. Meaning 47% of the people who clicked on that post also joined the group.

Now, we could take that simple post and make it a YouTube video, a Reddit post, an Instagram post, a Tweet, and any number of other mediums for other platforms.

And if we chose to, we could take that same post and run it as a paid Ad, again, on any platform.

Simple as that. Get to it.

Now let’s talk about “getting traffic from Google groups.”

The “true” Secret Traffic Hack

We’ve now come to a transition point. This is the second major takeaway from this course.

We went through how to set up your own Google Group / Email list. We talked about how to monetize them and how to actually get
subscribers from all the normal platforms which are extremely useful and important.

Now it’s time to talk about the other traffic gold from Google Groups themselves.

See, not only can you have your own Google Group but there are tens of thousands of groups that already exist in every niche imaginable that you can mail to!

Here’s an Outdoor niche group for example with 1,765 members. This is like having your own list served to you of 1765 people. If we go with the premise that an email is worth $1 a month to you this is like being handed $1,765 a month for FREE.


Imagine being in the Outdoor RV industry and being able to email them all at once.

Here’s another in the Entrepreneurial niche with 942 members:


There are a couple of things to notice here.

  1. These two groups are actually what used to be referred to as Usenet Newsgroups.
  2. There isn’t much “recent” activity.

So yeah Google Groups was its own entity at one time but at some point, they migrated Usenet Newsgroups into Google Groups. What does this mean?

This means that not only can you tap into the original standard Google Groups but also thousands upon thousands of Usenet groups that were converted to Google Groups!

Our #2 point – There isn’t much recent activity (this is actually good).

The truth is, all this stuff has been around for some time, but ever since social media giants like Facebook & Reddit came along, Google Groups & Usenet have been forgotten by many.

This is actually great news for us. Why??

The subscribers are still there. Those 947 people in the Entrepreneur group are still on its email list.

If you make a post today, they will still get the email just like always.

Only you basically have zero competition.

Nobody else is posting in these groups anymore so your emails are going to stand out.

Even with this course exposing this the sad reality is that most people don’t take action. So it is wide open for you.

Google Groups Are Kinda Hard to Find

Or they would be if we weren’t about to tell you how. 🙂 There used to be the main directory of all Google Groups hosted by Google.

It seems they have since taken it down.

They didn’t hide this little piece of gold:

That, my friend, is “HARLEY HAHN’S Ginormous Master List of Usenet Newsgroups”

And seeing as how Usenet groups are now Google Groups, it’s quite the handy directory to have.

You’ll find thousands of groups across all niches there. First of all, the majority of marketers would have no clue of this method and even if they did they wouldn’t know about that list.

But there is another way.

The actual search box at the top of the Google Groups page does in fact search for groups (unlike the Google main search).

If you put a keyword in that search box, it will return a nice list of Google Groups for you.

That’s all great, but do these groups produce??

We put this to the test.

We decided we wanted to try to sell something.

We chose a physical eCommerce product in the survival niche.

Simple enough. We found a super cheap item on that our niche would like and offered it for “FREE, just pay shipping”.

In this case a survival lighter.



We found this little jewel on sale for only a .01 PENNY & free shipping.

Other sellers on AliExpress offer it for around $2.65, still very cheap.

We then built a short & sweet landing page (using WordPress & WP Profit Builder 2.0 but you could build a page like this in Clickfunnels or nearly any other page builder)

Here’s the page we actually sold it on…


We priced the “shipping” at $3 per unit. That’s enough to cover our product cost + make a profit.

Another lesson here always gives options when you can. Options present a choice while no options get only a yes/no.

Which is more likely to get the sale?

“Would you like a FREE Micro-Lighter? Just pay $3 shipping.” Yes/No


“How many FREE lighters would you like? 1, 2 or 3?” 1,2,3

The first one gets a yes or no while the second one gets a choice between products (instead of a choice of buying).

When possible, always offer a choice of options instead of a choice of buying.

With our options, we had $3, $6, and $8.50… giving them a .50 discount if they bought 3.

Then we joined a good handful of Google Groups in the Outdoor niche.


We joined these and several more.

Then we started posting in each group. Here’s what we posted. (geez we are literally giving you everything aren’t we)


In all, this was sent out to about 4,500 people in multiple “outdoor” related Google Groups.

From those posts, we got about 113 clicks. Not bad for free targeted traffic and a tiny amount of work. We can email every day if we choose to.


What happened??


BA-BAM! Sales.

A 3.5% conversion rate and we’ll take it! Again this was no out-of-pocket expense! All free money. This is just ONE example from ONE day!

And remember what we said about options?

The majority went for the most expensive option because it was seemingly the best deal.



We realize that being in the IM industry, many people reading this will want to straight copy what we did, word for word and everything.

It should be known that is a BAD idea. Here’s the beautiful part… You can take what we did and apply it to any niche, any product. Make it your own.

You can use everything almost exactly the same for other products in other niches.

Just replace the word “Lighter” with “Golf balls” or whatever the heck you want to sell.

It doesn’t have to be a free product either. This setup works for a “paid product” as well.

It could be a CPA offer. It could be for whatever YOU want it to be. It doesn’t have to be ecom. We used that as an example to prove the premise.

It’s honestly the same anyway, the only difference between “selling” this for Free and selling it for a price is the wording.

We could just as easily have said: “Get this Micro-Lighter for $3, Free shipping!”

Also, you don’t have to sell physical ecom products.

We did this as a case study just for you, just for one example of making this work.

You can do so many other things as well.

Extra Monetization Tips

Jacker Links

You may have heard of “jacker” plugins like Jack Jacker and so forth. These plugins allow you to cloak a link, let’s pretend it is a CNN news article, and when you share that link and someone clicks the link, it takes them to the article like normal but then plants a thin banner at the top of the page (that stays in view the entire visit) with YOUR words and link in it.


  1. We share a link to an article on Bass Fishing on a popular fishing site.
  2. Person clicks link and visits article.
  3. Jacker plugin puts a banner at top of the page (or a popup) that says “Want the best fishing lure ever created by man? Click here”
  4. Banner is a link to an affiliate product we found on Amazon… bing, sale!

So what’s the point?

The point is you can go around all ninja-like, posting super high-value articles people will love while having your money bait at the top.

It’s a win-win and you could post these with no complaints, people think you are just sharing good content and are happy for more.

Adfly and “Paid” Link Shorteners

Companies like are link shorteners that pay you for every click on your links! Yeah, you read that correctly, this is nuts…

The way it works is, let’s say you want to share a link to a news article and the link is all long and ugly, you want to shorten it, and get paid.

So you run over to (for free) and paste in the URL, they spit out a much shorter link and that link also pays you to cause when someone clicks that link, they are first shown an Ad and then after a couple of seconds are taken to the end destination article.

The point is there are tons of ways to monetize this. Have fun and do it YOUR way.

There are lots and lots of these types of companies on the net too.

They all have different payout rates and the payout depends on the country the traffic comes from. With Adfly for example you can get paid up to $22 or more per 1,000 clicks for USA traffic but you can also get paid for traffic from any country.

Here are some more sites like Adfly that pay you for clicks:

There are plenty more.

Using a service like this, you could literally go out, find some cool articles in a random niche, shorten the links then post em up in a bunch of Google Groups in that niche.

BA-BAM… free money.

Double Wammy: Shorten a link to something that is for sale (yours, affiliate, CPA)… Get paid for the click and the sale.

Build Your Own List

Of course, there is the obvious, leverage the other groups as a source of traffic to build your own. Make posts incentivizing people to join YOUR Google Group. Once people are subscribed to your group, the world is your oyster.


You now have the power to go out and drive traffic on demand in your niche.

You now have the power to tap into thousands of email lists you can mail on a whim for free.

You now have the power to build your OWN email list without an autoresponder which you can INBOX better than Aweber with and not pay a penny to do it.

We showed you EXACTLY, every step of the way, pages, posts, products, and all… how you can go out right now and start making sales with physical ecom with this.

We even showed you how to make money simply by sharing a link.

There are no excuses.

The time to take action is right now.

This is hands down one of the easiest ways to make money online, get to work.

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